Saturday, August 23, 2008

More Bitter than a Pint of Harvey's Sussex

I know I implied I was going to lay off Spurs for a bit, but they just keep posting stupid things. However, Arsenal lost today, and played woefully, so I will indulge. This also means the Arsenal board exploded into the usual anti-Wenger vs. pro-Wenger civil war that occurs every time we win/lose/draw/have a training session, so once the dust settles, I'm sure I can find some choice Arsenal idiocy.

But back to the matter at hand. Kudos to The_Jacobian for sending in this charming reaction to another defeat for Spurs.

"How we managed to lose to a team of rejects and loanees at home i cannot understand."

- silver_spurs

It's not complicated. You played like a bunch of drunk amputees suffering from a Ménière's disease epidemic. Can you understand that? Also, funny how those Spurs "rejects" are better than your actual team.

"We hav too much quality in depth"

- silver_spurs

No, you have absolutely no depth whatsoever. You sold all your good "backup" players. To Sunderland.

"We'll keep sellin our has beens for over inflated prices to the likes of small clubs like ur mob"

- silver_spurs

To be honest, only one club payed an over-inflated price for a Spurs player, and I don't think Liverpool will appreciate being called a "small club". I think what you'll find, in reality as opposed to in la-la land, which silver_spurs inhabits, Keano did a smart bit of business. The proof of that is in the proverbial pudding, that delicious, delicious 2-1 pudding.

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