Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bizarre Moderation at 606

This is for anyone who has come to the blog wondering where the 606 thread has gone.

The original thread on 606 about this site has been queued for moderation and may be deleted. Once again, this seems to be the case of the mods defending the WUMs - quite a lot of humour/fun threads get deleted, while I have rarely seen a WUM thread get deleted unless a lot of people complain about it, and even then it usually takes a few days.

Basically, the thread has been accused of "breaching House Rules", although I cannot see how, and have not been informed of how. These are the "House Rules", and I don't see what the thread is doing wrong. I may just have to let it be deleted, wait until my user profile is out of pre-moderation and re-create it.

If the thread is being pulled for "harassment" or "anti-social behaviour", the only two rules I can even see this as being even vaguely close to breaking, then 606 mods, it seems, do not understand the meaning or function of "public domain".

An older thread exists on the Arsenal board, so people can use that temporarily until the situation is resolved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bizarre moderation indeed.

My 606 account has just been 'frozen' for discussing someone else's moderation.

An email told me that the url for my profile had been no member page ! ! !